89 research outputs found

    The topological centralizers of Toeplitz flows and their z2-extensions

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    The topological centralizers of Toeplitz flows satisfying a condition (Sh) and their Z2-extensions are described. Such Toeplitz flows are topologically coalescent. If {q0,q1,…} is a set of all except at least one prime numbers and I0,I1,… are positive integers then the direct sum [fórmula disponible al document original] can be the topological centralizer of a Toeplitz flow

    Microfungal diversity of Juncus trifidus L. and Salix herbacea L. at isolated locations in the Sudetes and Carpathian Mountains

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    During cold periods in the Pleistocene Epoch, many plants known as the “relict species” migrated and inhabited new areas. Together with plants, some microfungi also migrated, remaining present on plants and in plant communities. However, the relationship between fungi and the migrating plants (especially host plants) is not well understood. Therefore, we examined the diversity and distribution of microfungi associated with two migratory relict plants in the Sudetes and Carpathian Mountains: Salix herbacea L. and Juncus trifidus L. In total, we found 17 taxa of fungi that were collected from nine different locations. Nine fungal taxa were collected on S. herbacea, and eight taxa on J. trifidus. Localities richest of fungi on S. herbacea were Mały Śnieżny Kocioł (Karkonosze Mts, Sudetes) and on J. trifidus, the Tatra Mts (Carpathian Mts). This work provides new insights into the distribution of fungi inhabiting S. herbacea and J. trifidus in Poland

    Bioactive nanocomposite PLDL/nano-hydroxyapatite electrospun membranes for bone tissue engineering

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    New nanocomposite membranes with high bioactivity were fabricated using the electrospinning. These nanocomposites combine a degradable polymer poly(L/DL)-lactide and bone cell signaling carbonate nanohydroxyapatite (n-HAp). Chemical and physical characterization of the membranes using scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and the wide angle X-ray diffraction evidenced that nanoparticles were successfully incorporated into the fibers and membrane structure. The incorporation of the n-HAp into the structure increased significantly the mineralization of the membrane in vitro. It has been demonstrated that after a 3-day incubation of composite membrane in the Simulated Body Fluid a continuous compact apatite layer was formed. In vitro experiments demonstrated that the incorporation of n-HAp significantly improved cell attachment, upregulated cells proliferation and stimulated cell differentiation quantified using Alkaline Phosphatase and OsteoImage tests. In conclusion, the results demonstrated that the addition of n-HAp provided chemical cues that were a key factor that regulated osteoblastic differentiation

    Space Syntax w strukturze komunikacyjnej dzielnicy Kośminek w Lublinie

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    Urban structures are one of the most complicated forms designed ad used by people. Degree of their complexity due to internal communication and simplicity of movement from one point to another depends on various of factors and may be measured by various tools. One of that tool is Space Syntax method mainly based on measuring integration and connectivity in particular structure. This method was used to research a communication system in one of the Lublin’s district – Kośminek. Conclusions are coming down to specify streets in urban grid which have the highest factor of connectivity and integration value and comparison them in scattergrams.Układy urbanistyczne miast są jednymi z najbardziej złożonych struktur zaprojektowanych, wykonanych oraz użytkowanych przez człowieka, Stopień ich skomplikowania pod względem komunikacyjnym i łatwość przemieszczania się po nich jest zależna od wielu czynników i może być mierzona w różny sposób. Jednym z narzędzi parametrycznych umożliwiających badanie takich struktur jest metoda Space Syntax utworzona przez zespół naukowców z Bartlett University College London pod opieką Bill Hillier oraz Juliene Hanson. Do analizy wybrano fragment miasta Lublina położony pomiędzy ul. Męczenników Majdanka i ul. Władysława Kunickiego – dzielnicę Kośminek. Wykonano mapę osiową (ang. axial map) wybranego obszaru i poddano ją analizom przeprowadzonym przy użyciu programu Depthmap v. 0.3b. Współczynniki jakimi posłużono się aby poznać cechy układu urbanistycznego to współczynnik łączności (ang. Connectivity) i integralności (ang. Integration HH). Analizowany obszar i utworzone mapy osiowe podzielono na dwa etapy różniące się ilością uwzględnionych ulic pod względem ich przeznaczenia. Pierwszym etapem było utworzenie mapy osiowej z uwzględnieniem dostępnych ulic, drugim etapem było dodanie do istniejącej mapy wjazdów na posesje, dróg prywatnych oraz obszarów z ograniczeniami dla ruchu samochodowego. Wygenerowane zależności ukazane w formie schematów oraz zestawienia współczynników w diagramach rozproszenia posłużyły do odnalezienia problemów komunikacyjnych wybranego fragmentu. Metoda obliczeniowa Space Syntax umożliwia określenie wzajemnych powiązań przestrzeni pomiędzy obiektami kubaturowymi. Metoda ta jest stosowana nie tylko dla układów urbanistycznych ale również dla analiz rzutów budynków i wzajemnej korelacji ich pomieszczeń. Formułowane wnioski na temat organizacji danej struktury są zależne od synergii wielu współczynników wykorzystywanych dla jej określenia. Poprzez analizę diagramów rozproszenia pomiędzy zmiennymi Integration HH i Connectivity określono brak spójności przestrzeni w centrum wybranego obszaru, szczególnie ul. Długiej. Metoda Space Syntax jest stale rozwijana i ulepszana aby uzyskiwać coraz dokładniejsze wyniki a jej stosowanie i wykorzystywanie do analiz urbanistycznych może przyczynić się do rozwiązywania problemów komunikacyjnych w miastach

    Space Syntax w strukturze komunikacyjnej Lublina

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    Urban structures of the cities are one of the most complicated structures inthe whole world. It depends on many factors, that continuously change and develop them.Among many research tools which can be helpful in understanding urban structure designing,there is a Space Syntax method. This method of analyzing grid structures provides a lot of information about connectivity and integration of urban space as a research area. This method was used to perform an analysis of the urban tissue of the city of Lublin. Conclusions resulting from those analysis help identify weaknesses and problematic areas on urbanlayout of Lublin, especially related to integration and connectivity of streets and may be used as a basis for further research.Układy urbanistyczne miast są jednymi z najbardziej złożonych strukturna świecie zależnych od wielu czynników nieprzerwanie je tworzących i przekształcających.Wśród wielu narzędzi badawczych wykorzystywanych przy m.in. projektowaniustruktur miejskich istnieje metoda oparta na teorii Space Syntax. Metoda ta pozwala naprzeanalizowanie danej struktury pod względem wielu współczynników np.: integracji lubłączności przestrzeni jako obszaru badawczego. Do wykonania analiz przestrzennychwykorzystano tkankę miejską miasta Lublina. Wyniki badań pozwalają określić słabei problematyczne obszary układu miejskiego a także są wstępem do dalszych badań

    "Plot by plot urbanism". Mapping post-socialist changes in urban tissues. Case of Krakow and Belgrade. A comparative study

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    This paper presents the final findings of the project on the post-socialist urban form undertaken over the last two years with the support of ISUF, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, and Cracow University of Technology. Historical evolution, a general review of the planning contexts, analysis of urban tissues, and field visits to Krakow and Belgrade, conducted in the first year, have shaped the selection of cases and the general study that has been undertaken for five case studies from both cities. The cases vary from peripheral areas to major city streets and modernistic settings specific for both cities. The final phase implied a review of three pairs from both cities, preparation of the GIS database, and comparison on several grounds: land use pattern, year by year establishment of new plots, FAR and BAR. Plot by plot development is mainly observed through the analysis of interdependences between construction year and plot size, number of buildings on the plot, and the increase of urban parameters and built and unbuilt ratio. The project highlights parallels of conditions to which similar urban tissues in different countries have been exposed in the post-socialist period and reveals the variety of problems and challenges of urban regulation, land ownership and housing investments in relation to postsocialist urban form

    PLAGL1 protein is differentially expressed in the nephron segments and collecting ducts in human kidney

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    Introduction. PLAGL1 (pleiomorphic adenoma gene-like 1) is a C2H2-type zinc finger transcription factor associated with the regulation of cell growth and development. Although PLAGL1 expression in kidney was assessed by biochemical methods, the exact localization of the PLAGL1 protein in human kidney has not yet been described. Material and methods. Macroscopically unchanged specimens of kidney tissue were collected from 39 patients undergoing nephrectomy due to renal cell carcinoma. H & E staining of paraffin sections was used to assess histology of the kidney whereas immunohistochemistry was used to localize PLAGL1 protein in kidney compartments. In addition, database sequences search for putative PLAGL1 binding sites among the kidney-related genes was performed. Results. PLAGL1 staining intensity differed depending on the kidney compartment. Strong PLAGL1 immunoreactivity was found in thick ascending limbs of Henle’s loop, distal tubules and collecting ducts, whereas PLAGL1 expression in proximal tubules and renal corpuscles (including podocytes) was moderate and weak, respectively. By the in sillico screening of promoter sequences for PLAGL1 specific DNA-binding sites GGG­GCCCC we designated 43 candidate genes for PLAGL1-regulated genes. Analysis of their functional annotations identified three significantly over-represented gene sets: inositol phosphate metabolic processes (GO), endocrine and other factor-regulated calcium reabsorption (KEGG) and calcium signaling pathways (KEGG). Conclusion. Differences in the renal expression of PLAGL1 suggest that this protein may be involved in the regulation of several cellular pathways both as transcriptional factor and coactivator/corepressor of other tran­scription factors reflecting its role in the cell type-specific control of gene expression.

    New spectroscopy of multiple stars RR Lyncis and HT Virginis

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    In this paper we present radial velocity measurements as a result of new spectroscopic observations of RR Lyncis and HT Virginis. Both systems are worth to be the objects of a long-term monitoring. The observations made during a long period of time reveal the apsidal motion and the movements around the center of mass of the systems. Long-term measurements enable us to measure the light-time effect in the eclipsing binaries as well. Data were collected using the Poznan Spectroscopic Telescope (PST1) at Borowiec station (Baranowski et al. 2009) covering a range of wavelength 4280-7500 Å. The telescope is equipped with an echelle spectrograph thermally stabilized to 0.1oC. The data were calibrated with ThAr (Thorium-Argon) lamp. Data reduction was performed with IRA